Crumbs From the Corner: Adventures in Woolgathering

Friday, March 28, 2008

Why I Will Disconnect

"Sometimes, if you stand on the bottom rail of a bridge and lean over to watch the river slipping slowly away beneath you, you will suddenly know everything there is to be known."

-A.A. Milne

Our adventures will bring us to Tennessee tomorrow. It would be easy, I imagine, to carry a laptop and further my writing during the visit with my relative.
My Spouse suggested as much and I understood the very reasons.
That said, I expect to glean many valuable stories in the next while, and for those it is essential that instead, I simply stop and listen.
Disconnection of electrical appliances will never equate with disconnection of the mind.
I will return, and take up my pen once again. Until then, I remain temporarily and electronically unplugged.


Beth said...

Have a good trip, I'll miss your heartwarming and inspiring posts.

Phyllis Hunt McGowan said...

Thank, Beth. I'm sure I'll pick up plenty of new stories along the way. I am really looking forward to the visit.

Anonymous said...

Dear TheElementary,
Have fun in Tennessee!! Sounds like fun, and I always am inspired by your comments. Thank you :) Please write and tell us about your trip when you return.

Pappy said...

"Ain't been warm since I left Tennessee" Sam Magee
Have a great trip. We will anxiously await your return. Enjoy a cup or two of Chamomile on me.

Phyllis Hunt McGowan said...

What you said is very kind. Thank you.
I was, thankfully, able to drink my own tea! What a relief.

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