Crumbs From the Corner: Adventures in Woolgathering

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

After All That...

"What is human life? The first third a good time; the rest remembering about it."
-Mark Twain

Spouse dropped the date of the month into our conversation today. It happened quite casually, without fanfare or purpose beyond emphasising an upcoming business trip.
I was forced to interrupt my Spouse.
"It's our wedding anniversary today," said I, as stunned to say it as Spouse was to hear it.
"It is?" came the response.
I could scarcely believe it myself.
Two years since that glorious Spring day when the only bit of blue in the sky was above our wedding party, all else cloudy and careless.
Two years since a tightly-knit group of people got together for food and drink and laughter.
It just happens, too, to be the first one we get to celebrate together- if only we manage to remember it in time. We missed our first one because I was scrambling to acquire the legal paperwork to do so.
We both consider it not the end of the world that we neglected to recall the date. There are more urgent and necessary things to either appreciate or worry about.
There is the act of remembering, and then there are memories.


mouse (aka kimy) said...

happy anniversary!! the 'traditional' gift for the 2nd anniversary and it is cotton.... so I wish you beautiful, wonderful cotton-y clouds and blue skies above, gracing your day. may you and spouse be blessed with the most wonderful life together where each day is a celebration of your union and it an 'anniversary' is thus just another day. however, with that said - it is kind of fun to remember them (I think f and I average remembering about half of ours - I just realized that this year we will hit one with a a zero - 30 - I wonder if we'll remember it does sound like a good one to use an excuse for a fun trip somewhere, doesn't it?

speaking of trips just returned from my wander I'm having fun be catching up on some crumbs! xxx

Phyllis Hunt McGowan said...

Kimy, thank you! What a gorgeous wish for somebody.
Yes- it sounds like a fine idea for a trip :) You need no better excuse.

Pappy said...

Happy Aniversary The (and hubby). At first I thought you meant April 15th. I try to forget that date every year, but there are so many reminders.

Wayfarer Scientista said...

hey! Thanks for de-lurking! Glad to find you here - and happy anniversary.

Nan said...

Happy Anniversary! You two are almost the same as Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall. (4/9/05) :<)

Beth said...

Happy Anniversary--what a lovely time of year to get married--didn't I glean from an earlier post that you got married in Georgia? If so, it must have been beautiful. I hope you two enjoyed your special day

Phyllis Hunt McGowan said...

Texican, I thank you, as does Spouse. Thankfully April 15th passed for us weeks ago. We were ready this year
Wayfarer, thanks for visiting.
Nan- fascinating ;) I had forgotten that. Yes, we had it a year later so as not to upstage their day.
Beth- thank you. No, it was in Ireland- but we had a small ceremony in Virginia, perhaps that's what you were thinking of.

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