"If you wish to experience peace, provide peace for another."
-Tenzin Gyatso
We have spent the past few days with a man who plants flowers while on his fishing expeditions.
I so admire the ideology that takes some, leaves a little and makes a difference.
Mother Nature will be all the better for such actions.
I am glad you enjoyed your tea, and had a pleasant visit. I saw your comment and knew you were back. I always like getting back home regardless of how well I liked the trip.
Lovely post...I too enjoy these type of natural balances in life.
PS I finally responded to your six word memoir tag...please come and visit to see what I came up with.
I loved your own response, simply wonderful and fluid.
Yes, we're glad to be back. It gave us a lot of thought. In fact we can't stop thinking, and it's made the last few days feel almost disorderly. It takes a bit of time.
Thanks for your kind words and for responding to the tag. I'll be over to your page shortly to see your life summed up in six words :)
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