"If you carry your childhood with you, you never become older."
-Tom Stoppard
I feel obliged to reflect on the above words: Mr. Stoppard must surely be acquainted with my mother.
I received a wonderful Mater-package last week and inside it, among the teabags and books, was a little plastic keyring for Spouse. Tucked into the tiny frame was a miniaturised photograph of me at about nine years old, hands over my face, one eye peeking out with vehement truculence. I was clearly very angry about something or other; I most certainly had not wanted to have my picture taken, never mind having it delivered to my Spouse one Summer's day years later.
Reader, think for one moment, what it means for me that Spouse is now happily using it to carry his many keys:
it means that every time we go driving I see my infuriated eye staring at me as the keys weave back and forth with the uneven rhythm of the road; it means that every time Spouse and I let ourselves into the apartment- there I am, caught in time, captured in a particularly unflattering moment.
I said to Spouse- of course it did no good whatsoever, since he continues to use it, even holding it up to the light while in my presence to capture the essence of the thing- to consider just a little how he might feel if I regularly displayed a photograph of my crying, sulking Spouse everywhere I wandered.
He is so good-natured, however, that it is a redundant point. I must simply learn to live with my face on a keyring, and that is that.
I would love to see this photo!
nice turn of phrase - "vehement truculence" - perhaps spouse finds it an empowering talisman....
Kimy, I'll borrow it from Spouse and see what I can do. Maybe he can take a digital picture.
I mean, if there's enough demand for it...
Kimy, it is done ;) Spouse was very good to share.
Well, the mystery continues. She teases us with the youthful and partially covered face of The. Spouse knows. But, for the present we must be satisfied with the words on the page. Life is enriched by its mysteries. I going to wait . Pappy
Funny how these things always come back to haunt you.
Texican, where would we be without a mystery? I wasn't even going to add the photo here until Kimy suggested that I share.
Steve, it never fails to amaze me how that happens. Everything comes back.
Sweet little picture, I would prefer to think though that you shy about having your picture taken and not that you were having a "snit fit" as my daughter would say.
Barb, perhaps you are right :) But I vaguely recall having the picture taken, and I know my eye quite well... it's shyness, but also I was outraged that someone would photograph it.
A snit fit- that's funny. I enjoy blogging because I get to hear so many different ways of saying the same thing, from all over the world.
I adore the picture and can see why spouse is happily carrying it about. I don't see the truculence, but if you say so.... looks like a very lovely game of peek a boo!
p.s. thank you for satisfying our collective curiosity! definitely don't want a bunch of dead cats out here in the hood!
Yes, the mystery does continue.
Did you ever see that show Home Improvement with the neighbour who's face was always partially covered? You could always see his eyes, but no more....just like you!!
Thanks Kimy! I was shy but I know it's truculence too ;) and I'm glad your curiosity was satisfied...
Jaime, I know just what you mean! The guy was called Wilson, if I recall rightly. That's a good one- I had forgotten about him.
But to others, that face could be a peek-a-boo face, a playful face, a face waiting to be discovered?
I think it's an adorable photo. I'm glad you're letting Spouse enjoy it in his way.
so cute! I am not surprised that spouse carries it, how could he do anything but smile every time he reaches for his keys? He and Mater are co-conspirators and both must love you very much.
Tangobaby, aw, thank you! Spouse likes it so I have to learn to like it too ;)
Beth, I've missed you these last few days.
You are so kind in your words...
They are co-conspirators! You got that right for sure.
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