"Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul."
-John Muir
Spouse and I depart tomorrow morning for our week-long adventure. Before we arrive at the home of my relative in Michigan- one I have not met with for many years- we will make a slight stop at Niagara Falls.
Poor Mater, who heard about our trip in precisely that order and who has long wished to visit both the relative and the waterfall, lamented softly about our seeing the former. She wished me a happy family visit in her brave and noble way.
I made it worse by adding the bit about Niagara Falls, but I could hardly help it: Mater prefers to know my whereabouts and my attire at all times and I was obliged to update her on my imminent trip. Regarding the aforementioned attire, on this occasion she would greatly like to be assured that I would be dressed not only in my usual sunhat and sunglasses and sunblock, but a secure lifejacket as well.
Have no fear, Mater. Our neighbourhood waterfall- a mere droplet compared to the great Niagara- causes my stomach to churn about in most unsettling ways and I shall not venture, once we reach Niagara Falls, to closely examine the water's temperature, velocity, or capacity to instill fear.
I will, on the other hand, remember to commit the entire scene to memory, to inhale the mighty spray and to marvel at the astonishing fact that once more I get to plant my feet firmly on land I had only dreamed of experiencing.
I will be safe, but I will also be glad.
well, safe jacket or not, enjoy your trip!
have a marvelous time! looking forward to all the stories you'll tell when you return!
hope you have a wonderful trip!! and remember the battery for the camera this time!! ;-)
"places to play in and pray in" - what a wonderful phrase.
I hope you find joy in both during your travels.
Have a safe and wonderful trip. I have enjoyed catching up on your posts and will look forward to more on your return.
Have a fabulous time!
It is something to behold. I was surprised to find it right in town and not out in some remote area. It was something incredible to see. Be sure to take your camera and batteries. Have someone take a picture of you and spouse hanging over the guardrail and post it for all to see. Don't let the sun bonnet hide too much. Pappy
I am coming to you quite late, as I was away myself. So maybe, at this exact moment you are standing near those incredible falls, taking in the wonder of things.
Hope you are having a wonderful time.
Edward and I have added you to our list of Splendid Locales. We do so enjoy our visits here.
Have a wonderful trip.
It was wonderful seeing you again and meeting spouse. Thank you for sharing your wonderful stories with us over dinner. It was a great evening.
Love, your relative in Michigan.
Polona, thanks! I loved being there.
Pauline, I have a lot of tales lined up ;)
Julie, I did remember the battery. Or was it Spouse who remembered... one of us :)
Hele, thank you, and we did find just those.
Beth, it was such a magical adventure to do this trip. Of course I have stories :)
San, I did and thank you!
Texican, I was just as surprised- right there in the middle of everything is a grand and magnificent sight. I loved being there. Funny- I was wearing a sun bonnet at Niagara Falls! We have great pictures but the ones with me came out very grainy and not at all good for posting here :) Maybe next time ;)
Jaime, thanks for thinking of me- I bet you wrote it at the same time- we spent hours there.
Pamela, thanks for adding me! I enjoy your blog too- always enjoy your stories and your sharing Edward with us :)
Relative In Michigan :) how nice to get this comment! What a surprise. Spouse and I had the most wonderful and special time- I hope I didn't talk too much! -There are too many stories and not enough time in the world. I'm glad, very glad, to have more readers ;)
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