Crumbs From the Corner: Adventures in Woolgathering

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Tuning In

"The principle part of faith is patience."
-George MacDonald

When one endures a bout of illness such as a cold or influenza, and happens to eat particular foods during that interim, and after recovery recalls, at the very scent of the food, the feverish, bedridden days- then the experts would declare that the Garcia Effect is taking place.
It is named after the psychologist John Garcia, a fellow who studied rats, taste aversion and illness, and documented the results of the combination.
Most people, I would wager, have had some beloved meal, a former favourite, turn horribly sour on the tongue following a sickness.
There again, food might be just one element that one develops a distaste for.
Two days ago Mater returned to the hospital for test results. She sat in the waiting room. I have twice accompanied her; the latest was her fourth appointment. Each time, while Mater perched on the edge of the chair, the same programme was airing on the television: a chat show hosted by a celebrity with a habit of being rather upbeat and buoyant and whose figure and lips rarely cease to move while on the screen.
At the best of times, the character could be categorised as cheerful, optimistic and immensely entertaining to a waiting room full of worried ladies.
In Mater's case, however, it being quite the worst sort of repetition, she yesterday declared she never again wishes to see this person on television, despite previously having had little negative opinion on the television programme or its sprightly host.
One would expect no less from a soul experiencing such a troubling series of visits: it was hoped that the news regarding Mater's tests would be wholeheartedly positive, but the doctor's delivery was less than she had desired.
I myself suspect that the good news is merely postponed until next week when a more complete and definitive outcome can be measured.
Good news does not always arrive at the precise moment we need it. Sometimes the timing is slightly off-kilter- like tuning repeatedly into the same television show against one's will due to the random scheduling of an appointment.
I do believe that Mater's confession and my conclusion ought to be added to the Record of Aversions.


Kelli said...

Still hoping for a good report. Thanks for keeping us posted.

Pappy said...

My wife and I return each year to the huge hospital where she was treated for cancer. Even though we are eighteen years past the first visit, we still get the jitters during the week leading up to the visit. The personnel there are great and the facilities are immaculate, but there is that lingering scar from the overwhelming fear we felt during our first visit there. Tell Mater I feel the same way about all the shows on network television. Pappy

Anonymous said...

oh, I do hope the results match your optimism - and i don't blame your mother's aversion one bit!

Phyllis Hunt McGowan said...

Kelli, I shall do that. Hopefully the next result will be better.

Texican, I could understand the fear that lingers- that's such an emotional and traumatic time.
I'll certainly tell Mater your thoughts on the shows :) -it's why we don't plug in our television. So much better without the chaos.

Courtney, I hope so too... I thought it was so funny though when she told me so seriously she wouldn't be watching that person anymore. She was so adamant!

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